Brainworx Mega Sampler
Audio Software Development

Brainworx Mega Sampler

Entwicklung eines innovativen Audio-Plugins für professionelle Musikproduktion mit nahtloser Integration und umfangreicher Sample-Bibliothek.

Audio Plugin Development
Music Production Software
Sample Management
Digital Audio Workstation
Professional Audio Tools
Ausgangslage & Ziele

Revolution in the Audioproduction

The development of the Brainworx MEGA Sampler marks a milestone in digital music production. With a comprehensive sample library and seamless integration between plugin and WebApp, the project enables an intuitive and efficient workflow for musicians and producers.




A bidirectional data exchange between plugin and WebApp was required.


The plugin had to run optimally in a Webview.


Parallel development and synchronization between plugin and web application were a challenge.

Offline usage

Users needed access to local samples without an internet connection.



Seamless integration

A smooth connection between plugin and WebApp.


A platform that can be easily expanded and updated.


Access to samples both online and offline.


Our approach: Modern technologies in action

To develop the Brainworx MEGA Sampler, we combined modern technologies and agile development methods.


Agile methods

Iterative development cycles with regular feedback.

Parallel development

Both plugin and web application teams worked synchronously.

Close collaboration

Customer-specific requirements were integrated in real-time.

Technologien & Tools


Vue.js, TypeScript, WebAssembly, and Web Audio API were used for development.


Node.js, MongoDB, Redis, and AWS S3 enabled a performant and scalable architecture.


WebSocket, REST APIs, and IndexedDB ensured seamless synchronization.

Team & Rollen

Frontend developers

Development of the web app and user interface.

Backend developers

Creation of the API and database structure.

Audio experts

Consultation and optimization of the sample library.

Umsetzung & Herausforderungen

Implementation: An audio plugin with power

Developing the Brainworx MEGA Sampler required a well-thought-out architecture and innovative solutions.


  • Sample Library

    Over 7,500 loops and samples in various genres and styles.

  • Search functions

    Filters based on BPM, key, genre, and instrument type.

  • Drag-and-Drop

    Direct insertion of samples into DAWs.

  • Offline usage

    Access to locally stored samples without an internet connection.


Lessons learned and outlook

Insights into the most important learnings and future steps.

Flexibility of architecture

The platform can be easily extended and customized.

Offline-first approach

Access to local samples is a major advantage for users.

Close integration

Synchronization between plugin and WebApp is crucial.

Zukünftige Schritte

  • Expansion of the sample library

  • Introduction of new filters and search functions

  • Optimization of performance for larger data sets


The Brainworx MEGA Sampler combines innovation and technology to offer musicians a powerful and intuitive platform for professional-grade music production.

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